Making A Blog List Page
This is the second step is creating an interactive blog section of your site. This first step is creating Blog Content pages, and now we create a page to hold the List of your blogs. The List displays the Slugs for each of your blogs, in date order.
- Create a new page for your Blog List, (OR, if you have a Blog List designed into an area of your Site's skin, from a page with that skin carry out the steps below)
- From the Add Content menu, choose Blog - Add Blog List
In the List mode you have the choice of:
- List - a full list with slug for use on the main content body area of your page
- Sidebar - a Title only list for use in a side section of your page
- Category allows you to group your blogs, eg Travel, Product, Team, Personal, Hobbies if you want to have different pages showing different Blogs
- Finally, set how many blog posts you want to show (the default is 100, which would be a very long page!)