Executing Javascript Functions on "Save"
If your plugin admin code contains a Javascript function named "LEAP_submitrun_[$ContentID]" LEAP™ 5 will recognize it exists and execute it while processing the "Save" function.
An example of a submitrun script is that which is used in the text module:
function LEAP_submitrun_[$ContentID]() {
var thisObj = new Object();
thisObj.data = LEAP_editor[$ContentID]_[$randomid].getData();
return thisObj
Element pairs in the object "newObj" are extracted and added to the object passed to your save handler for processing.
If your edit mode code contains a Javascript function named "LEAP_postrun_[$ContentID]" then LEAP™ 5 will execute that function on successful submission of the data to the admin kernel.
A sample LEAP_postrun function is also one taken from the text plugin:
function LEAP_postrun_[$ContentID]() {
var contentid = '[$ContentID]';
var o=CKEDITOR.instances['[']"LEAP_editor"+contentid[']'];
if (o) o.destroy();