LEAP™ 5 has a flexible data map that is specific to the content plugin instance. Using LEAP_manageFeatures is appropriate for configuration data and low-volume content data, but not for larger volume text objects.
This section can be read in conjunction with the API plugin guidelines found here.
LEAP_manageFeatures creates and populates a page-level variable of type map called "Feature_Map". This variable is a type of "map" so as to simplify inheritance and enhance backwards compatibility with LEAP™ 3.
This method will read in any stored data and add them as key/value pairs to the map. This will work for stings, arrays and maps. The latter two data types will be stored as serialized data but will be transparent to your content plugin and seen as native Lasso data types.
The update method will accept a string, a map, or an array as the value component of the pair.
For example:
// storing a string
LEAP_manageFeatures->update('myvar','hello world')
// storing an array
// storing a map
Because LEAP_ManageFeatures populates a variable of type map, accessing the data is exactly like addressing any other Lasso 9 map.
Once LEAP_manageFeatures->populate has been invoked, if a feature named "firstname" has been previously initialized and/or stored, the current value of this feature can be accessed like this:
-> Jeremy
Common usages
Here are a few examples of how LEAP_ManageFeatures is used within LEAP™ plugins.
Initialize, setup and prime with data
local(featurelist = map(
'firstName' = 'Jeremy',
'profile' = 'I am a gnome'
with i in #featurelist->keys do => {
$Feature_Map->find(#i)->isA('void') ?
Saving data within a save handler
with i in #featurelist->keys do => {
LEAP_manageFeatures->update(#i,string(client_param('LEAP_'+#i))->trim &)