Accessing Pre-defined Variables
The following is a list of the variables you have access to within your plugin.
NOTE: you must not modify any of these variables from within your plugin.
This is a global collector of error data. It is used to output a holistic picture of error conditions when in debug mode.
A global collector of informational feedback. Useful for outputting variable values at your discretion. Can be set to log to console or screen. Details on config for these options to come.
Initially set to server_name, it also has any non-page directories appended to it within the kernel.
If you need to access the requested server name without any additional info, please use the Lasso 9 var "server_name" instead.
Set to client_browser, unmodified in kernel.
A string containing the derived URL component of the current page. This is initially the last directory in the URL string, however this may be modified if there is a silent redirect or alias in place.
This is similar to $gv_current_page however it can be overridden by a user defined page setting. This is used exclusively for the search engine targeted meta canonical url.
An array containing all directories derived from the client-requested URL. The last element of the array is removed as in the LEAP™ methodology it is in fact the page name. will yield the array: array('hello','world','plus')
$gv_admin is a boolean, default state is false. This will signal to a plugin if the meta-mode is display or administration. Your plugin should check for $gv_admin == true before performing any other admin-related function.
An integer that contains the ID of the currently displayed page.
An integer that contains the ID of the master site accessed. This allows inheritance & chaining of preferences from site through to page.
The default language the content is set to. This is derived from the Master Site record. Specific language options are dependent on this setting. The value of $site_language can be changed by GET or POST param, and should be stored in the session.
An integer that references the Page Group the page displayed belongs to.
An integer that references the Access Zone the page displayed belongs to.
This is an array that contains all assets LEAP™ is to load after plugins are rendered to HTML. Fully qualified paths from web server root are recommended. Use .js and .css extensions to help LEAP™ write out appropriate syntax. See Anatomy of a LEAP™ 5 Plugin for further information.
A boolean that signifies if the content was requested via xmlhttprequest or GET/POST. If $isAjax is true, content will be served with the appropriate content type by the LEAP™ 5 kernel regardless of XML, JSON or JSONP datatypes.