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LEAP™ 5's form element pickups

Form data in LEAP™ 5 admin modules and content plugins is not submitted via standard HTTP GET or POST requests.

The LEAP™ 5 javascript will auto-collect data entered in form elements if they are given the correct class and object name & id.

A sample input syntax would be:

	size="12" type="text" 

Identifying the form element

Form elements must have both a name and an ID.

Name must be prefixed by "LEAP_"

ID must also be prefixed by "LEAP_" and followed immediately by [$ContentID] to ensure uniqueness.

Text input form elements

In order for your form element name:value pairs to be passed to your save action handler, the element must contain the class "LEAP_mod[$ContentID]".

This applies to: standard text input, textarea, select

Check Box & Radio Button Elements

Check boxes & radio buttons are handled differently by HTML in that they pass multiple values in GET and POST.

LEAP™ handles the auto-collect of all like-named checkboxes & radio buttons by gathering them into a line-break (\r) delimited list when given class of "LEAP_modchk[$ContentID]"

Multi-Select Input Elements

In a similar way to check box elements, LEAP™ handles multiple select elements as a special case.

These elements must have a class of "LEAP_modMulti[$ContentID]" in order to be collected and passed as a comma-delimited list to the save handlers.

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