Providing help text to your users: LEAP_tooltip
LEAP™ 5 has a built-in help function leveraging both tool-tips and sidebar help text. Both are drawn from a central server to maintain consistency of message and availability.
The following markup will trigger a JSONP request, which is a cross-domain-safe method of fetching remote content.
<div class="LEAP_editgreen LEAP_tooltip" rel="helloworld:aVar">A Variable:</div>
LEAP_editgreen is the style class, and LEAP_tooltip is the trigger in the LEAP™ javascript that appends a tooltip div inside the end of the div which on mouseover picks up the contents of the "rel" and feeds it to the remote server returning the help text.
"Rel" Syntax
The "rel" syntax is a simple data pair separated by a colon (':'). The first part is the plugin or module name, the second signifies the particular help text to fetch for that plugin or module.
Submitting your help text
If you choose to leverage this centralized help feature, submit a spreadsheet with the plugin or module name [rel(1)], help text signifier [rel(2)], Help text to return.
A later update will create a way for you to manage these help text entries directly from your LEAP™ 5 developer system login.