LEAP_Audit is an optional method that stores a progressive record of what was done, by who and from where.
It will enable a site administrator to view this record to determine responsibility in the event of questions about the actions of content administrators.
LEAP_audit->save('create','Create Text Module',$PageID,$Orderid,$ContentID)
LEAP_audit->save('save','Saving new version',$PageID,$Orderid,$ContentID)
Save method signature
- actionis::string - this is the current action you wish to log
- description::string - a long-form description
- pageid::integer - the parent page id (or page group etc)
- orderid::integer - this assists in identifying the plugin instance
- contentid::integer - the id of the Master_Content record.
Each of these are optional but must be included in order.
LEAP_Audit as an update page marker
In many circumstances we would wish to mark the page as having a last updated date as "now" on save of non-page data. In this situation LEAP_Audit is useful for forcing a simple page updated date change.
To use LEAP_Audit to force this update: