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LEAP™ 5 Plugin Specification

This section outlines the recommended process for creating a LEAP™ 5 Content Plugin, and the methods & variables available to you, the developer.

Required functions

There are 5 required functions you are expected to construct.

  • Insert / create
  • Save
  • Delete
  • Clone
  • Display

Insert/Create, Delete and Clone are commands issued to the plugin from within the LEAP™ 5 infrastructure. Save is handled on click of the "save" button in the administration view.

Display is in fact the absence of a command, or administration view being activated. It is the default state when a typical user is browsing the page that contains an instance of the plugin content.

_init.lasso file

This file is executed on load of the plugin package compiled source. This should contain logic to detect and load or create required database tables, config data, and required types and methods. 

* Note: this file is NOT auto-executed when the plugin is used in "uncompiled or open" mode.

_upgrade.lasso file

This file should contain delta change info for when a module is updated. It should detect existing version info stored for the plugin, and if a lower version number the script should run database or config delta updates.

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